Privacy Policy

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR - GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION) it is necessary that you be provided with information regarding the use of your "personal data".

Below is the Bellerrimo SRLS privacy policy. It contains all the information you need to know so that you can use the Site with serenity and in full awareness of the data you provide or will provide while browsing the Site.

In any case, it is important to inform you right away that your "sensitive data" will not be processed.

Ownership of the processing and scope of application

This Privacy policy applies exclusively to navigation on the Bellerrimo srls site (from now on Site) which can be reached at the internet address

The owner of the data is Bellerrimo srls, with registered office in Via Sempione 11 20900 Monza MB.

Sources of personal data

The applications dedicated to the operation of this Site may detect, during their normal operation, some of your data (whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols), however not associated with you directly.

The data collected may also include, by way of example and not limited to, the IP address, domain names and the type of browser of the computers used to connect to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation of the resources. requests, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the operating system and IT environment you use.

Particular sources of personal data are indicated in the specific Privacy policies prepared for particular services offered by the Site or software used by it for its proper functioning and listed below.

Purpose of the processing

The data concerning you will be processed to follow up on any requests you may have and to ensure continuity of service and for the improvement of the Site itself.

With reference to these purposes, Bellerrimo has a legitimate interest in offering you a better browsing experience on the website and in following up on any requests you may have.

The IP could, in some cases, be used for the exclusive purpose of blocking attempts to damage the Site itself, as well as activities constituting a crime under the laws in force.

Methods of data processing

The data provided by you and collected by the Site are processed only for the time strictly necessary and in any case in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject.

They are processed in electronic form and aggregated for the purposes set out above.


For the purposes of browsing the site, the communication of personal data is not required, other than those anonymous and strictly necessary for the purposes indicated above.

However, there are sections of the site that require the provision of personal data to follow up on user requests.

These data are used for the sole purpose of providing any services requested.

Communication and dissemination of data

The data collected using cookies may be processed by employees and collaborators and supplier companies of Bellerrimo, as persons in charge and responsible for the processing.

These data may also be processed by trusted companies that carry out tasks of a technical and organizational nature on our behalf. These companies are our direct collaborators and perform the function of data controller.

With regard to the data collected, pursuant to the GDPR, Bellerrimo also undertakes to: 1) process the data according to the rules and with confidentiality requirements, 2) collect data on protected electronic media, 3) not communicate or disseminate the data to others unauthorized subjects, 4) do not use other than those previously listed.

Any transfers to EXTRA EU territories of your personal data will take place solely by virtue of the use of IT systems, with whose provider the company Bellerrimo has active specific contracts in compliance with the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the EU Commission for the protection of personal data.

Rights of the interested party (articles 13 letters b), c), d), 15-21, 77)

It is important that you know that the GDPR recognizes the possibility to the interested parties to exercise specific rights provided by way of example by article 13 paragraph 2 letters b), c) and d) of the Regulation (including the right to obtain the indication of the data that concern you, access, updating, rectification, portability or cancellation of the same, as well as the limitation or opposition to processing, the possibility of proposing a complaint to a supervisory authority, etc.) and specified from articles 15-21 and 77 of the GDPR.

It will be sufficient to write to the data controller Bellerrimo srls - Via sempione 11 - 20900 Monza or to the Personal Data Protection Officer of Bellerrimo srls at the following e-mail address